Kanboard 1.0.33
Release date:
- Move a task without drag and drop (smartphones and tablets)
- Add the possibility to unlock users from the user interface
- New API calls for task metadata
- New automatic actions:
- Introduce Vue.js to manage user interface components
- Add column "Reference" and "Creator Name" in CSV task export
- Show both time spent and estimated on the board
- Store board collapsed mode user preference in the database
- Store comment sorting direction in the database
- Avoid tags overlapping on the board
- Show project name in notifications
- Allow priority changes for inverted priority scales
- Add the possibility to attach template hooks with local variables and callback
- Add "reference" hooks
- Show project name in task forms
- Convert vanilla CSS to SASS
- Make user interface more responsive for smartphones and tablets
- Support version operators for plugin directory: >= and >
- Update Spanish documentation
- Time spent (in hours) for subtasks are not rounded too the nearest quarter anymore
- Fix improper HTML escaping for textarea (potential XSS)
- Do not show closed tasks on public boards
- Fix undefined constant in config example file
- Fix PHP notice when sending overdue notifications
- Fix wrong project date format (shown as 01/01/1970)
- https://github.com/kanboard/kanboard/tree/v1.0.33
- https://github.com/kanboard/kanboard/archive/refs/tags/v1.0.33.zip
- https://github.com/kanboard/kanboard/archive/refs/tags/v1.0.33.tar.gz
Docker Images
docker pull docker.io/kanboard/kanboard:v1.0.33
docker pull ghcr.io/kanboard/kanboard:v1.0.33
docker pull quay.io/kanboard/kanboard:v1.0.33